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When: Wednesday, February 7, 2024 and Thursday, February 8, 2024
Where: Virtual Via Zoom 

Register Now

The Durham County Bar Association CLE Topics & Speakers have been identified and the event is now open for registration. Remember that the CLE runs for two days, Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 7- 8, 2024 providing you with the opportunity to earn as many as 12 hours of credit across multiple required categories including Mental Health, Technology and Ethics.

Program File Download Link


8:45 - 9:45 Atiya Mosley, Ethical Rules You Need to Know When Representing a Child in a Custody

9:45 - 10:45 Adam J. Hopler, Guardianship and Incompetency - Overview and Updates
Presentation Materials important New Changes


11:00 - 12:00 Sarah D'Amato, Common Housing Law Issues Across Practice Areas
Materials Attachment 1 Attachment 2


1:30 - 2:30 Gigi Warner, Domestic Violence Protection Order Cases Aren't So Bad
Materials Example DVPO

2:30 - 3:30 Natalie Fewell, Living a Life of Harmony * SA/MH


3:45 - 4:45 Yesenia Polanco, Humanitarian options to legalize children


8:45 - 9:45 Diane Littlejohn, AI, the Law and Emerging Legal Technologies *TECH

9:45 - 10:45 Geri Ruzage, The Dollars and Sense of Child Support


11:00 - 12:00 Brian K. Leonard, A Review of Recent Employment Discrimination Decisions in the U.S.
Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals


1:30 - 2:30 Whitley Carpenter, Laura Holland Webb & Rochelle Sparko, Criminal Court Fines and Fees
Materials        Order-Adopting-GRP-28-Approved-14-December-2021
Waiving Criminal Court Fees Prevents Harms of Civil Debt 10.4.23 S339-2023 AOC-CR-415 H636-2023 H888-2023

2:30 - 3:30 Jessica Luong, Expunctions 101: A Jump Start Guide to Expunctions in NC
Materials AOC County Codes H193v6 SESSION LAW 2023-103

3:45 - 4:45 Saroya Webb, Mistakes, Pitfalls and Ways to Avoid Probate
Materials AOC-E-850_Estate Procedures.pdf

4:45 Conclude, Complete Attendance Certification Form

Feedback & Evaluation
AFTER your participation in the event has concluded, please click on the following links: 
Please join us in thanking our CLE Committee for their work in selecting this program of unique and interesting topics: Chairperson Syrena Williams and committee/board members (President) Brandon Robinson, Dawn Baxton, Deitrich McMillan, Judge Dorothy Mitchell, Eric Williams  & Yesenia Polanco. 

Remember that this is a member event provided at no additional cost, however, the State Bar CLE fees of $3.50 per hour will be charged to you (by the State Bar) under the "old" CLE rules which are in effect until March of this year. Please look at pages 9-10 in the attached program file to review these policies.